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How To Pay Off Your Mortgage Sooner

How To Pay Off Your Mortgage Sooner

The faster you’re able to pay off your mortgage the more money you’re saving on interest in the long run. Any chance you have to improve your mortgage or pay down your principal will allow you to fast track the repayments process. However, the most important elements...
Should you buy or lease a company car?

Should you buy or lease a company car?

Why buy? Many businesses will require the use of a vehicle for their daily operations. One of the first questions a business owner will need to ask is: Should I buy or lease the vehicle? The main reason a business would buy a car is so that they own the asset. This...
Buying your first house

Buying your first house

There are few bigger milestones in life than the purchase of your first home. While it is certainly an exciting process there are a number of considerations you’ll need to take into account before you can begin your journey. Most first home buyers will be looking at...